◆ Does looking at the clock often make insomnia worse?
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■ Results
Recently, a study was published in the international journal "Primary Medicine for Neurological
Disorders", which investigated the relationship between clock-watching behavior and insomnia.
The study found that those who complained of nsomnia took more sleeping pills (58% vs 23%)
Those who regularly took sleeping pills were more likely to watch while sleeping (14% vs 10%)
In addition, it has been found that the more often you look at the clock while sleeping, the more
severe the insomnia is, which increases the use of sleeping pills.
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■ Why frequent clock-watching promotes insomnia
When you look at the clock before going to bed, yur brain is stimulated to make a sleep plan at
what time you will fall asleep and wake up.
Because of this, not only does it prevent you from falling asleep, but psychological frustration appears
when you do not sleep as planned.
Inorder to overcome this, sleeping pills are easily accessible, but long-term use of sleeping pills can
cause other problems such as falls, cognitive impairment, and dementia, so it is better to avoid it as much
as possible.
■ How to provent insomnia
To prevent insomnia, healthy sleep hygiene is a priority.
You should always keep the time to go to bed and wake up, avoid napping during the day, and exercise
One important thing is that I have insomnia, so I think I just Iook at the clock often, but the act of looking
at the clock in reverse encourages insomnia.
Don't put a watch on your bed.
■ How to reduce the behavior of looking at the watch frequently
1. Don't put a watch on your bed.
2. Do something else before going to bed, like reading a book or listening to music.
3. Don't consome caffeine or alcohol before going to bed.
4. Let's do regular exercise.
5. Reduce stress.
Insomnia can happen to anyone, but you an prevent and improve it by maintaining healthy
sleep hygiene.
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